Out in the meadow, midsummer's peak wildflower explosion of colors is over. Now yellow runs the show. Silphium and Big bluestem still tower overhead, dripping cool morning dew onto my face as I brush past. Red is just beginning to touch the leaves of the sumac. Cicadas buzz. Bluebirds gather. Unhappy to have her nut-burying extravaganza interrupted, a flustered squirrel is scolding from the upper branches of an old oak.
Even though I may not be ready for summer to end, summer doesn't care. Autumn is looming, ready for her turn. And that's okay. I love autumn too. I love living in a place with four distinct seasons because it means change is always at the doorstep. And sometimes getting out that door requires a shovel. "Shifting Priorities," is a recent painting resplendent with the aura of a new day full of possibilities, light, and color. Its uplifting forms and lines have a vibrant movement and feel. Bold, saturated colors contrast with more muted tones. It radiates beauty, confidence, and balance. Tap on the image to see details & price. |
Artist and naturalist Michelle Louis has a vigorous curiosity about the natural world. Her energetic, investment-quality paintings bring balance and harmony Archives
January 2025
©2023 Michelle Louis All rights reserved. Content and images are property of the artist.