I'm excited to share a new series I've been working on in a solo exhibition!
Here's the backstory: Last fall I noticed this crazy, spirally vine. I hiked past it many times. I knew it was an invasive species whose desire would eventually smother its host tree. Yet I grew to anticipate and love it in a curious sort of way. Then one day it was gone. And I actually missed it. Even though it was a threat to our native woods. Even though I appreciated and have often participated in the back-breaking work of invasive species removal. I knew it most certainly didn't belong. Or did it? It's the inspiration for this series, after all. 'What Goes Around: Reflections on Nature, Spirals, and Meditative Process,' reaches beyond my beloved vine to honor the hard-working spiral. Ranging in size from 12 to 90 inches, these 15 curvy, acrylic paintings have an honest rhythm that invites a deeper dive with time to linger. Each painting is a call to invigorate your sense of wonder and connection. I couldn't help but put on my artsy naturalist hat for some of the accompanying text. I hope you'll visit the show to learn more. You can view the exhibition from wherever you are simply by tapping 'ENTER.' It's nicer on a large screen, but should work on your phone, too. Tap on any of the paintings for a close up view and on 'Learn More' and 'Buy' for no obligation details and prices. The navigation arrows are tricky at first, but I know you can do it! Thank you!
Artist and naturalist Michelle Louis has a vigorous curiosity about the natural world. Her energetic, investment-quality paintings bring balance and harmony Archives
January 2025
©2023 Michelle Louis All rights reserved. Content and images are property of the artist.