I feel like things change fast this month—the angle of light, the intensity of color, even the feel of the air goes from cottony-thick to crisp as the natural world prepares for winter here in the north. It's been a gorgeous, busy fall. My last garden task of the season is canning the rest of the pears for a sweet taste of summer some snowy night. Outside and in, the windows need cleaning to welcome every sliver of light as daylight dwindles. My bum knee is trying to heal so maybe I'll get to that odious task, maybe not. The firewood is stacked and soon we'll light the first fire in the hearth—a much revered event. Surviving a long northern winter means change and adjustment. We all live with and depend upon the whims of Mother Nature. From bum knees to white-out blizzards, taking note of these "whims"—Earth's patterns, rhythms, and balance—inspires my artwork and life choices. The contrasting fragility and tenacity of life never cease to astound. So a special thanks to the Earth that sustains us, and to you for encouraging my explorations. Your kind words and support mean the world to me. Thanks for reading this and stay cozy, friends! See all my available work here.
Artist and naturalist Michelle Louis has a vigorous curiosity about the natural world. Her energetic, investment-quality paintings bring balance and harmony Archives
January 2025
©2023 Michelle Louis All rights reserved. Content and images are property of the artist.